

Scientific Inquiry

Scientific Reasoning 

Mental Models

Problem Solving

Quantitative Approaches



critical thinking 







Problem solving in Chemistry depends on subject related characteristics like having a concept of conducting experiments, creating mental representations of matter or combining structure and function.

The fundamental description of learning progressions of these topics is for T-CEL the basis to understand how students learn chemistry and which could be most suitable ways to support their learning. In quantitative studies T-CEL investigates the role of mental models for understanding a problem and the relationship to learner characteristics.



The technical improvement offers opportunities to develop alternatives to paper and pencil related test formats in quantitative studies. Combined with elements of gamification T-CEL do research on  video based assessment tools for problem solving competence.

For assessing process related skills, e.g. while conducting an experiment, or complex group related interactions, e.g. in collaborative/team based problem solving, interactive test items and virtual environments are in the focus of research.  




Support students' problem solving skills and seeking solutions to apply research in Chemistry education - to bridge the gap between theory and practice is the aim of this research area.

By designing technology based learning environments the effectiveness of different methods is investigated. In video clips of best practice examples or adaptive learning programs students at schools or in higher education participate in different research projects.


doctoral program


 In addition to the Master's degree, Tiemann Chemistry Education Research Lab offers the opportunity to be actively involved in research and obtain a PhD degree. As part of a larger working group, you have the opportunity to assume responsibility in a research area of our focus, exchange and discuss your ideas and to become an expert in your field!


You will acquire methodological competence in interdisciplinary summer schools and workshops, bring in your personality in the further development of our lab and build up a network that will open up a wide range of job opportunities for you in the future.


At T-CEL, a robust portfolio of theoretical background research, extensive planning of design and instruments and advanced statistical evaluation methods are characteristics for working on fundamental questions of problem based learning and mental models.


We offer a modern, strong PhD program of three to four years of full-time study, excellent working conditions and a close mentoring. We expect highly motivated team players, contributing to the growth of T-CEL vision by teaching, publishing and  - researching!


Get in touch

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Department of Chemistry

Brook-Taylor Str. 2

12489 Berlin



Library opening hours

Newton-Str. 14

Room 3´05 


by appointment via E-Mail

Office hours

term/            by appointment, Skype or Zoom

off-term       registration required  by E-Mail


Newton-Str. 14, Room 3´01

